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Flexco erhält BISSC-Drittanbieter-Verifizierung für für die Lebensmittelverarbeitung zugelassenen FGP-Kopfabstreifer

Flexco gab vor kurzem bekannt, dass sein für die Lebensmittelverarbeitung zugelassener FGP-Kopfabstreifer eine Drittanbieter-Verifizierung des Baking Industry Sanitation Standards Committee (BISSC) bekommen hat.

The FGP Food Grade Precleaner is an easy-to-install, easy-to-maintain food grade cleaner that can be disassembled in less than a minute for regular cleaning and sanitation.Der für die Lebensmittelverarbeitung zugelassene FGP-Kopfabstreifer ist ein einfach zu montierender, leicht zu wartender lebensmitteltauglicher Abstreifer, der in weniger als einer Minute für die regelmäßige Reinigung und Hygiene demontiert werden kann.

The BISSC develops and publishes voluntary standards for the design and construction of bakery equipment which today are recognized as the definitive sanitation standards for equipment used in the baking industry. The standards provide guidance for a variety of manufacturing equipment regarding proper design for sanitation and food safety.Das BISSC entwickelt und veröffentlicht freiwillige Normen für die Planung und den Bau von Bäckereianlagen, die heute als die definitiven Hygienestandards für Anlagen in der Backindustrie anerkannt sind. Die Normen beinhalten Richtlinien für eine Vielzahl von Produktionsmaschinen in Bezug auf das richtige Design für Hygiene und Lebensmittelsicherheit.

The simple design of the FGP Precleaner features stainless steel components and FDA-approved, food-grade materials that limit negative spaces and crevices, which can encourage bacteria growth. There is no need to remove the cleaner from the structure for cleaning, sanitizing, and blade changes because of the snap-in-place design of the blade.

Ideal for the baking and food processing industries, the FGP Precleaner can be used from the time the food is harvested to the finished product. The FGP Precleaner is designed to meet strict sanitary guidelines and has been certified by the USDA, FDA, and NSF.

“In addition to those approvals, BISCC verification guarantees that certain characteristics of the design make it suitable for the bakery industry,” states Flexco Product Manager Ramses Banda Marquez. “This includes the fact that there are no fasteners in the path of the material, that all the components are easy to disassemble and wash, and that you have the ability to perform a cleaning, foaming, and rinsing process to achieve 100% sanitation with no problems.”

Cleaner blades for the FGP Food Grade Precleaner are available in white, blue, dual durometer, and metal-detectable, dark blue FDA-approved food grade material. The cleaner is also easily tensioned to minimize blade wear and belt damage and maximize cleanability. It can be used on any light-duty belt from 4” to 60” (102 mm to 1500 mm).

For more information on the FGP Food Grade Precleaner click here.


December 18, 2019


  • Förderband-Reinigungssysteme