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Flexco fordert Zementwerke auf, die schwierigsten Förderbandprobleme einzureichen und eine Chance auf kostenlose Produkte zu erhalten

Flexco hat kürzlich den Wettbewerb „Give Us Your Worst, We'll Give You Our Best“ (Gib uns dein Schlechtestes, wir geben dir unser Bestes) angekündigt, bei dem Zementwerke aufgefordert werden, Fotos und Videos ihrer größten Förderbandherausforderungen einzusenden, um die Chance zu haben, kostenlose Flexco-Produkte und Preise zu gewinnen.

During the contest, which runs from August 1st to August 31st, Flexco invites cement plant employees to record a video or snap a photo of problems along their beltline – mistracking, carryback, dust, spillage, slippage, etc. – and submit it to www.giveusyourworst.com to enter the contest.

All contest participants will be contacted by a Flexco Territory Manager, who will conduct a free assessment on the entire belt conveyor system, focusing on the “worst” challenges and identifying any additional challenges they discover. The Flexco expert will offer solutions to these conveyor issues, and one cement plant will be the Grand Prize Winner of free product and delivery, free training, and a $250 product voucher towards future purchases.

“At Flexco, we are always striving to learn more about the challenges our customers face every day, so we’re inviting them to tell us their stories with photos and videos,” Flexco Industry Manager Franklin Moore says. “And the grand prize winner will get a visit from Flexco experts that includes free product, free training, and most importantly, increased efficiency.”

Log on to www.giveusyourworst.com for complete contest details and rules and to submit the biggest challenges on your belt conveyor line. For more information on Flexco products, programs, and services, log on to www.flexco.com


August 01, 2019


  • Bandführungsstationen, Bandzentrierstationen und Bandführungssysteme
  • Förderband-Reinigungssysteme
  • Mechanische Transportband-Verbindungssysteme
  • Übergabetrichter